27. Januar 2024 um 17:50
Hallo ihr Lieben,
uns wurde von der Community das Thema: All Tomorrows (C. M. Kösemen) vorgeschlafen, dafür suchen wir Gäst*innen. Wir freuen sich immer, wenn sich jemand meldet.
All Tomorrows: A Billion Year Chronicle of the Myriad Species and Mixed Fortunes of Man is a 2006 work of science fiction and speculative evolution written and illustrated by the Turkish artist C. M. Kosemen under the pen name Nemo Ramjet. It explores a hypothetical future path of human evolution set from the near future to a billion years from the present. Several future human species evolve through natural means and through genetic engineering, conducted by both humans themselves and by a myste...
LG Soenke & Jürgen